Love Someone With Delilah

JACQUES PÉPIN: The JP Foundation



His career began at age 13, in post-war France, and by 24 he had already cooked for three French heads of state, including Charles De Gaulle. That was 60+ years ago, before arriving in America, his long career with Howard Johnson, his own restaurant in New York City, his TV series with Julia Child, his 30 books, and his many years as a college instructor. It was also before meeting the love of his life, Gloria, or becoming a father to Claudine, father-in-law to Rollie, and grandfather to Shorey... He has quite a story to tell, and today, the much beloved chef, Jacques Pepin is here to share a little of it, including the amazing work of the Jacques Pépin Foundation. Too many cooks in the kitchen? Naw!! Come on in! ~ Delilah Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.