Balancing Water

Episode 111 - Whose Gone Pay This Bill?!?1



On this week's episode of Balancing Water, Balance (Arielle) and Water (Alicia)discuss and debate on the topic of how the bill should be split when at an upscale restaurant. If anyone is unfamiliar with an upscale restaurant, when it comes to paying there is usually one big bill or may a bill split in two at most no matter how many people are with a party and gratuity is already included. So Arielle and Alicia discuss their thoughts on how the bill should be split, if it should be split evenly, if someone should pay more than others and what they would do if someone ordered more but wants everyone to split their portion evenly. They discuss the awkwardness when the waiter comes out asking, "whose paying" and no one speaks up. They discuss and debate the different scenerios that may arise as well as problems. They both ultimately came to the conclusion of either going with a small intimate crowd or going alone to avoid any issues. If you're out with a group of friends, who's paying the bill? IG: @balancingwat