Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 15: Lent Week 4 | The Power of Confession



This week’s temptation may bring us to the hardest, deepest places of Lent. We are talking about the temptation to be silent about our sin and the power of the practice of confession. Why are leaders especially tempted to hide our wrongdoings, and how can we use confession carefully, lovingly and honestly in our lives? Ruth and Steve use the story of the prodigal son and Psalm 32 to have an honest conversation about the importance and challenge of confession.   Lectionary Readings for the fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle C: Joshua 5:9-12  •  Psalm 32  • 2 Corinthians 5:16-21  •  Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32   Music Credit: Kingdom Come by Aaron Niequist Prayer for Healing from Lent Music In Solitude   Mentioned in the episode: The Prayer Tree by Michael Leunig Support the podcast! Patrons at the $10 level will receive a digital download of Ruth Haley Barton’s Lent: A Season of Returning. It includes Cycle C scriptures and space to journal your own thoughts and prayers. This season, $10 patrons will also rec