Reimagining Justice

Courts during COVID: Will Digital Innovation Stick?



In episode no. 73 my special guest is Dr Anne Wallace, Adjunct Professor La Trobe University and Deputy Director Sir Zelman Cowen Centre. We discuss: what first prompted Anne’s interest in technology and court processes; court innovations from the 1990’s and how those initiatives have progressed; how courts and lawyers have adapted to the pandemic; how close we are to a virtual court; advantages of audio visual links for providing evidence and what should determine whether it should be adopted more broadly; what currently informs court strategy and what should do so; court surveys and what they uncover; the potential for courts and researchers to work together to develop indicators to measure people’s experience; the potential for apps and SMS messages to assist litigants given the proliferation of mobile phone usage; automate and enable people to do preliminary work paired with intelligent assistance – CRT; the opportunity for lawyers to use technology to diversify their services and tap into the latent leg