Gear, Gadgets and Gizmos

Gordon McCullough CEO at RIDC shares his thoughts and ideas about a post COVID future



The coronavirus has had a massive impact on everyone, and the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RIDC)  had to change and adapt to get through the crisis.In this podcast, Gordon McCullough, the CEO of RIDC, discusses the important role the organisation has played in bringing disabled people's voices into the COVID conversation.  With over 2000 disabled members, the RIDC Consumer Panel has provided vital insights that have helped inform and shape government policy during the pandemic. Gordon explains why the RIDC with its Consumer Panel is uniquely placed to assist manufacturers and service providers in ensuring that their products and services take account of the needs of disabled people.The vaccination programme now means that life should begin to get back to some kind of "normal".  Gordon is optimistic about life after the coronavirus restrictions are lifted.  He believes that transport, technology, and ageing well present challenges and opportunities for disabled people.  RIDC  will