Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Systems, Taking Control of Your Calendar, and Winter at Lake of the Ozarks EP 76



Dan Paulson and I start our conversation about systems with our why. So we can spend time with our families. Ideally, in beautiful places not just home. For Dan, that’s a home on the Lake of the Ozarks. Dan lives in Wisconsin so a trip to the lake in winter is a true reprieve.  We talk about the benefits of working online, even though we both miss in person meetings.  Dan tells the story of how he learned his work ethic and then how he had to unlearn it by putting boundaries, automation, and systems in place so that he can enjoy his family.  Of course, we explain several of these – time blocking, automated scheduling, scheduled emails, reusing content, and project management apps.  About –  Dan Paulson helps business owners build growing, sustainable organizations.  His superpower is to teach leaders how to get out of their own way by building strong teams and systems to achieve improved results.  Links:  LinkedIn  Free One Page Plan: heydanwhatsnext.com.  To learn more about your h