Crystal Sparks's Podcast

133. Saul's Toxic Jealousy



This episode is the fourth part of a series I started on the life of David. During this episode I talk about how Saul had a mighty advocate in David, a mighty warrior who’s heart was to serve Saul with humility. Instead of basking in that advantage, Saul became jealous and insecure in his position when David was around. He began to compare himself to David, take the score of every win and loss, and despise David’s victories. At the end of the episode, I discuss the content with a friend, and I hope you can do the same! I want to encourage you to grab a friend or a small group and go through this material with us. Scriptures Covered: 1 Samuel 18:6-30My hope is that this podcast helps grow your faith and equips you to accomplish your dreams and goals!Follow me on instagramFollow me on FacebookSubscribe to emails from meWeek 4 Study Material - Life of David