Crystal Sparks's Podcast

136. Good Friends Vs. God Friends



This episode is the sixth part of a series I started on the life of David. During this episode I talk about the difference between "God friends" and "good friends," and how friendship is modeled by David and Jonathan. Have you ever met someone who you instantly feel a deep connection with? It often feels like you’ve known the person your entire life even if they haven’t been around very long. This is what God-endorsed, covenant friendships are like, and that’s how it was for Jonathan and David. At the end of the episode, I discuss the content with a friend, and I hope you can do the same! I want to encourage you to grab a friend or a small group and go through this material with us. Scriptures Covered: 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 20:1-42; 23:14-18; 2 Sam 1:1-27; Psalm 63My hope is that this podcast helps grow your faith and equips you to accomplish your dreams and goals!Follow me on instagramFollow me on FacebookSubscribe to emails from meWeek 6 Study Material - Life of David