Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Growing An Organization By Demonstrating Discipline In Business with Monte Wyatt -- TTG092



If you don’t have discipline in business, you can’t expect your business to grow. In this video, I talk with Monte Wyatt, author of Pulling Profits Out of a Hat. His book is about growing an organization through discipline. Long-term company growth requires consistency, predictability, and stability. This book shows you how to create a business that will outlast you – not just a business you can build and sell, but a company whose processes, systems, and strategies will sustain it for the future.Monte says that building your company doesn’t have to be difficult. Once you’ve scaled your business, it’s ready to grow. But you have to keep concentrating on organizational discipline in business.Build your strategy around your company’s ability to solve a need in the marketplace. Employees and products will come and go, so focus on your company as a whole. Business success takes time and depends on your team’s willingness to adapt to change.Many entrepreneurs are geniuses in their fields but may be at a loss when i