Well & Why

046 - Ryan Hatoum - Turning Back the Clock to a Time Before Covid



Ryan and I have this phenomenal connection that was sparked the first day we met, where we could literally sit around and talk about everything and anything in directions we couldn't have ever expected and end up feeling like we just had a therapy session.This conversation was had well before the state of emergency and lockdown, in my bedroom, sitting around like two little school friends talking about life. This was a funny phase in life where we thought TIME was our biggest concern. I decided to change it up with Ryan to talk about whatever came up just to see what happens rather than having questions prepared, and 1.5 hours later this is what's created!We discuss sibling dynamics and birth order, meeting people where they are and inspiring change versus controlling it, regimenting our diet to make life easier, how Brooklyn’s convenience brought out my inner brat, how dark times really open your eyes to who is and is not actually there for you on a deeper level, career trajectories - or a lack-there-of, and