Well & Why

047 - Kate Assaraf - Noap CEO & Mom Riding the Waves of Reducing Our Plastic Consumption with Eco-Friendly Beauty



Kate with Noap (Nurture Our Amazing Planet) has SO much insight to share about not only the behind the scenes of launching an eco friendly beauty company, AS A MOM, but ALSO what it takes to make it happen during a pandemic.We get quite deep about spirituality and signs, the article she wrote for her best friend and the BLM movement that people are using to share with their grandparents (linked in the show notes), but also about how Kate uses her brand to shed light into the world with a little bit of her Jersey humor :)Links: @saynoap // Say Noap // Kate's BLM Article // Signs by Laura Lynne Jackson // I and Thou // Stasher Bags // EWG (Environmental Working Group) // Credo // @spirituallynutritious // wellandwhy@gmail.com