Well & Why

050 - Laurie Gerber - To Be or Not To Be.. Honest



Laurie Gerber is a life coach over at The Handel Group, and she is honestly (no pun intended) one of the most candid, open and transparent people I’ve ever met.There’s something to be learned when listening to Laurie and her story. My biggest takeaway is how honesty will guide our lives towards the light and actually bring the right people closer together.----------------------Learn to Human Better in LOVE with Lauren Zander's new online coaching course, Inner.U Love. Avoid heartbreak and find whatever, whomever, and how many-ever it is that you truly and wholeheartedly want.Receive lifetime access with your subscription which includes: 12 audio coaching sessions from Lauren Zander, 1 free private coaching session with an HG coach, access to Inner.University and the 6-week coaching bootcamp with an HG Coach, 14 homework assignments, and the interactive Promise Tracker to accelerate your accountability and track your promises and consequences. Get Started with your WELLANDWHY75 coupon at: https://bit.ly/well04