

Full notes with photos, links, and a transcript can be found in the podcast section of our shop website: Join the community on Ravelry or become a patron and support the show on our Patreon Page. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Subscribe on Android or Subscribe on Google Podcasts We Want to Hear You! Give us a call and tell us about your favorite LYS!  Go to and leave a message. It will take 90 seconds or less. Or you can use the voice memo app on your phone and email us the audio file. We’ll put your voice feedback on the show!   Marsha’s Projects Nanny Meier’s Tea Cozy by Amelia Carlsen. I am using Cascade 220 Heather in Red Wine Heather (9489) and green Irelande (2429). I have finished both sides and am ready to sew together and make pompoms. Meadow Stripe Socks using Patons Kroy Sock in the colorway, Meadow Stripes and Lang Yarns Jawoll Superwash fingering for the heels and toes. Ready to start heel flap on the second sock. Quick Switch Hat by Abbye