Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#197: Using mindfulness as a tool in your business



We live in a world that is constantly grasping for our time, attention, energy, money and resources. This means that more than ever, we need to know how to support ourselves, regulate our emotions and practice mindfulness in our daily lives.   There are a lot of shoulda, woulda, coulda moments that could have been avoided if we had slowed down, and brought awareness to what we were experiencing, thinking and feeling and how this was impacting our decisions.    I don’t know about you, but I have absolutely bought things that weren’t going to help me because I got caught up in the moment. I’ve lost a whole day, my mood and my energy to doom scrolling and comparing myself to others online.    Being mindful of these situations and how they affect me, allow me to support myself through them, instead of getting swept out to sea by them.    This is why creating a mindfulness practice for yourself and bringing it into how we operate our business can not only have a positive impact on our work, but our lives as well.