Well & Why

030 - Stephen Donofrio - Fighting the Good Fight Using Tech and the Arts for Environmental Awareness



Stephen Donofrio is stepping outside the box and represents the epitome of fighting the good fight in regards to environmental awareness. Join us as we discuss all things sustainability, how multiple issues come into play when discussing the environmental climate space, how cities are a major part of our ecosystem, and that the purchasing decisions we make play a huge role in not only nature and our health, but also the entire community where we reside.All changes, large and small, have an effect on the wellbeing of our beautifully energetic planet, Earth. In turn, I personally find it to be a nearly euphoric experience when I have my reusable shopping bags with me everywhere I go in the case I make a purchase, versus when I accidentally don't have one on me and feel obliged to use a plastic shopping bag.Links: Greenpoint Innovations Instagram // Twitter // Vimeo // Ecosystem Marketplace // Forest Trends // Sustainable Brands // Newtown Creek Alliance // Bloomberg Sustainable Business Summit // info@greenpoin