Love Your Story

Episode 212: Domestic Violence: Interview Brielle Cotterman and Melissa Haenchen



Episode 212: Domestic Violence: Interview Brielle Cotterman and Melissa Haenchen Brielle Cotterman is a TEDx Speaker, Publicity Expert, and Celebrity-Maker. She is a survivor of attempted murder and domestic violence and an advocate for a world where intimate partner abuse is not tolerated and survivors are met with empathy. She is a graduate of Indiana University, a World’s Grand Champion Equestrian, and she has been married for just over a year to the love of her life and owns & operates a show horse breeding farm, where she lives with her husband, three children and many, many animals! She has spent the better part of the last decade helping clients to craft and scale Dream careers to 7 figures and beyond by leveraging their personal stories and passions in order to create speaking tours, author award-winning books, procure media placements, and inspire the millions of people that need to hear their story. Tune in to the audio program to hear Brielle's story about having a gun held to he