Media Masters

Media Masters - Christopher Snowdon



Christopher Snowdon is a libertarian writer, commentator and self-styled “scourge of the nanny statists.” He joined the Institute of Economic Affairs in 2012 as their head of lifestyle economics, where his work focuses on social freedoms and what he sees as “the dangers of prohibition.” He often appears on TV and radio programmes offering a contrarian view on political topics and lifestyle choices, and writes regularly for a number of titles, including Spiked, The Critic and The Daily Telegraph. In this in-depth interview, Christopher discusses why Covid has been “a challenge” for libertarians' and criques the UK government's response as “very bad in 2020, and pretty good in 2021;” argues passionately why he believes “it’s not the government's job to interfere with people’s personal choices” which often leads to repercussions of what he defines as “victimless crimes;” and delves into his book ‘Killjoys: A Critique of Paternalism’ which makes the case that the government is too intrusive in our