Crucial Podcast

Crucial Podcast "The Matrix Resurrections"



Hey there folks, it's your old pal Tubes here with some production notes... As a result of my own neurotic desire for the holiday episode lineup, this episode is posting out of recording order. Attentive fans may have already noticed that we mentioned our "Matrix Resurrections" review during our previous episode when we discussed "The Shawshank Redemtion". You may also notice that this episode kicks off with a short talk about new years eve. After this episode we are done time travelling and episodes will be released in recording order until further notice! Love, Tubes   P.S. "Armitage III" is available for streaming on Funimation. Or on dvd for about $25. The original miniseries featured the voices of Bryan Cranston and Keifer Sutherland. "Armitage III Dual Matrix" Is the sequel movie to the series. The movie features Juliette Lewis. Watch either one, they are both cool as sh*t.