The Rv Entrepreneur With Heath Padgett

RVE 235: What Has Heath Padgett Been up to Since He Closed Down the Podcast?



Today we’re catching up with the RV Entrepreneur's founder Heath Padgett and getting an overview on the past half a year since he ended the podcast and also a few status updates on current projects.

Specifically we discuss:   -  Heath’s experience ending the podcast and his reflections on closing it down -  How taking a single action can change your whole life and how many relationships steamed out of the podcast -  If Heath is going to get back into content creation and if so, what that might look like -  Overview and reflections on the acquisition -  How easy it is to get wrapped up in projects and the difficulty in not attaching your identity to projects -  Brand Names: The opportunities and challenges to niching down in a name or staying broad  -  Heath’s idea for a new podcast focused on starting a campground -  Futuristic mindsets that are a benefit in business but can be challenging to be present and how RVing can help ground your