Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalist Show - Do You 'Deserve' Success in Business & Life?



Whether you call it a self-fulfilling prophecy or expectancy effect, your internal view of yourself doesn’t let you exceed your "deserve" level – we get in life what we (subconsciously) believe we deserve. Henry Ford described it aptly, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't—you're right.”  Ed Bohlke, Creator of Deserve Level Coaching, joins Karen on this episode to talk about the hidden barriers, their source and process to break down those barriers that entrepreneurs and executives experience in pursuit of their dream that can cause their business to plateau and derail. This is important for investors to also understand because it can impact their return on the investment in that company. Ed Bohlke (edbohlke.com DeserveLevel.com) had direct experience in creating success as CEO of Serious IP, Inc, with an IP portfolio of over 140 patents in 60 countries with $25M guaranteed license revenues, raising 35M in financing along the way.  Ed has been perfecting the idea of 'Deserve Level' as he appli