Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalist Show - Mastering your Mindset with Rod Khleif



Failures are common in business and investing.  "Failures" are lessons we learn from so we can be better, smarter, stronger... my guest today Rod Khleif calls them "SEMINARS".  The seminars of life to learn from. Some people are able to learn from those experiences and others seem to carry them around like a ball and chain, struggling to be free of the fear that those failures will happen again. In this episode of the Compassionate Capitalist Show, Rod shares the means and methods he used to overcome the devastating loss of his business, to rebuid bigger and better. It requires Focus, Goal Setting, and Mindset. Those three things seem obvious and part of any Success Strategy. Listen to hear the 'more' and how you can use your pain from failure to fuel your trajectory toward new positive outcomes with the psychology to win and overcome any fear you have in making angel investments, real estate investments, or investing time and money in starting a business.  Rod Khlief joins us today to explain how he used t