Cleverly Changing Podcast

Educating Your Child Abroad Lesson 69



There were great civilizations that flourished in Africa before the 1500s. Some of those civilizations were  Kush, Mali, and Great Zimbabwe. Long before European expeditions Africans participated in international trading networks and in trans-oceanic travel. It is well documented that they had trading relations with India, China and other parts of Asia. In addition, when Europeans started doing expeditions they often hired Africans to help them with the expeditions. Africans were also well known as the greatest swimmers in early World History.If your children love travel here are a few great explorers they should consider learning about: Juan Gurrido and Esteban the Moor. They should also read 10 Pieces of Evidence That Prove Black People Sailed to the Americas Long Before ColumbusTODAY’S PROVERB IS: You must act as if it is impossible to fail. - African Proverb from GhanaWORD OF THE EPISODENanga def means 'What's up?' in Wolof.Grown FolksLearning abroad is not uncommon among American college students, but ou