Life Long Learner

Ep 56. Out of Class - Camping, Effort vs reward & noise



Happy New Year! This is our first episode of the new year. We dive into a range of topics we touch on the notion and importance of getting away from the noise. The fellas chatted about their recent camping trip and touched on their upcoming one for Australia Day.  We live in a noisy world with lots of distractions around us. It is easy to get sucked in by the noise. They chat about either it being a generational thing or just an individual thing of certain things being put in the 'too hard' basket. When the effort is not put in. Often the easy option is to say no, "I won't go here, or commit to this and that.'' Often the effort is worth the reward, but you have to be able to put yourself out there. We going the value of believing in other people. The affect that it has on them is truly unknown, BJ Palmers quote, " We never know how far-reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow." This rang true with Robin Sharma, where one of his teachers showed some b