Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

2017 Generation And Completion Stages



Generation and Completion Phases and the Five Fold Mahamudra in Tantric Practice. Dharma Centre of Canada, October 14, 2016. This is an excerpt from a talk Lama Mark gave concerning some essential points about the purpose of Generation and Completion Stages and the Five-Fold Mahamudra in Tantric practice. He talks about: grasping after identity and becoming; relating to the Guru; the four Buddha Activities; the five aggregates and five Buddha wisdoms; and many psychological aspects of Tantric practice. Given at the end of a week’s teaching that also included the Empowerment and group meditation of White Manjusri, the daily group practice of the Drikung Yangzab Amulet of the Sun and Moon and finishing with the Empowerment of Guru Rinpoche-in the form of Kalden Drenze.