Chris And Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill

The Collected Generation X-Lapsed



Collecting the latest (to this point) Sunday Special Series... wherein I checked back in with one of the X-Books that made me go running for the hills back in 2017! Generation X (vol.2) starts off... well, kinda clunky... kinda cringey... but, it does manage to turn the corner right before the axe of cancellation fell!  This is why we can't have nice things... This is a decently long compilation, collecting a dozen episodes... I hope you enjoy! -- TIMESTAMPS: (00:00:00) Generation X (vol.2) #1 (00:39:19) Generation X (vol.2) #2 (01:00:10) Generation X (vol.2) #3 (01:25:50) Generation X (vol.2) #4 (01:47:22) Generation X (vol.2) #5 (02:10:46) Generation X (vol.2) #6 (02:33:14) Generation X (vol.2) #7 (03:01:08) Generation X (vol.2) #8 (03:23:53) Generation X (vol.2) #9 (03:47:51) Generation X #85: "Survival of the Fittest, Part 1" (04:17:15) Generation X #86: "Survival of the Fittest, Part 2" (04:42:48) Generation X #87 -- X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JE