Linnean Learning

Linnean Future Podcast #43: The End of Sex



Climate change is rapidly altering ecosystems around the world. This is resulting in many species becoming maladapted to the ecosystems in which they evolved. How are organisms choosing their partners in such a rapidly changing world? Are the organisms able to predict what future ecosystem might be like? How would they do this, if they could? And, even if they could, would they be able to choose the “correct” mate accordingly? This Linnean Future podcast episode asks Carlos Botero, assistant professor of biology who specializes in ‘Eco-evolutionary Dynamics of Extreme Environments’, how various organisms might cope with and adapt to repeated environmental change. The Linnean Future Podcast Series is an initiative by The Linnean Society of London in response to the ongoing planetary emergency. This series brings you stories from around the world that explore the impacts of climate change on every aspect of our lives. Through the series we will be meeting researchers, practitioners, activists, lawyers, an