Chatham House - Undercurrents

Episode 97: US democracy one year after the Capitol riot



On 6 January 2021, a large crowd supporting the defeated President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol. The violence which ensued resulted in the deaths of at least seven people, and caused shockwaves around the world. In this episode Ben is joined by Gabriella Cook-Francis, the Leland Foundation Association of Marshall Scholars Transatlantic Academy Fellow in the US & Americas Programme at Chatham House. They discuss the events surrounding 'January 6', the implications of the riot for notable elections this year and in 2024, and what progress the Biden Administration has made in shoring up the United States' democratic institutions.  Watch the Chatham House event recording: The state of American democracy Credits: Speaker: Gabriella Cook-Francis Host: Ben Horton Editor: Jamie Reed Sound Services Recorded and produced by Chatham House