Bible Learners Corner

Heavenly Wisdom (Part 2) - When It Enters Your Spiritual Heart



There are TWO FORMS OF WISDOM - depending on whether the spirit behind it is the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD or the demonic EVIL SPIRIT OF SATAN: The bible tells us to test all spirits to know if they are from God [1 John 4]. TWO FORMS OF WISDOM: EARTHLY WISDOM and HEAVENLY WISDOM 1.The EARTHLY WISDOM OF MEN - based on things and the knowledge of this world - and wisdom that is demonic; 2.The HEAVENLY WISDOM - from the things of God; the knowledge and understanding of God - as given through His Word, by His Holy Spirit. When the HEAVENLY WISDOM enters your SPIRITUAL HEART, and KNOWLEDGE is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you; UNDERSTANDING will keep you. (Proverbs 2:8-10). There are a number of things every person must learn from The Book of Wisdom: “All people who wish to become wise hearted must be taught in the way of wisdom; and led in right paths.” (Proverbs 4:11). THE WISE HEARTED are always HAPPY and JOYFUL. They have LOVE, JOY, PEACE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, PATIENCE, LONG-SUFFERING