2000 Books For Ambitious Entrepreneurs - Author Interviews And Book Summaries

15:[Startup] The founding Story of Kiva.org - Jessica Jackley| Raising $800 million



In this interview, Jessica Jackley tells us the story of founding of Kiva. Kiva is a p2p lending platform that helps underprivileged entrepreneurs in developing world through micro loans from common people like you and I. Kiva has enabled over 1 Billion $+ of lending on it's platform so far and is constantly growing. In this interview Jessica and I talk about: What is Entrepreneurship in it's truest sense? How Jessica got the idea of Kiva How Jessica and her co-founder funded the early stages of the company Why the co-founders got told by 20+ lawyers to not go forward with their idea and what Jessica did about that How Kiva stayed true to it's mission and values by turning down $10 million from a corporate social responsibility group in early days. What's the single biggest trait that stands out in Jessica Jackley? Mental toughness: This one trait is the biggest indicator and predictor of success in all entrepreneurial ventures. And mental toughness can be nurtured and developed. Come join us for our powerful