Loose Bruce Kerr's Parody/original Song Podcast

"THE BLACKSHIRTS WALTZ" -the AUDIO MP3 by "Loose Bruce" Kerr



"THE BLACKSHIRTS WALTZ" (AUDIO-MP3) written & performed for Bruce's Waukesha High School class reunion in July. Hot out of the garage, here is the mp3 audio track, to hear or to DOWNLOAD a copy for free for your phone, your iPod, or your 1970's Sony Walkman! Earbuds or headphones strongly encouraged for full effect. And if you want to view the slide show version, it's at:  http://youtu.be/wFWJ06cpF4I Bruce records his audios & videos, singing & playing one instrument at a time in his garage in Northern California's Silicon Valley ("The Garage"). When not doing that, Bruce is a lawyer working at Oracle.Bruce took off 20 years from his law career to write, record, and perform his music and comedy. He opened for "Weird Al" Yankovic back in the day. His songs are heard irregularly on the "Dr. Demento Show" on the net and on the "Jim Bohannon Show" on nationally syndicated AM radio. email: BKerrLaw@aol.com website: loosebrucekerr.com Enjoy!