Reimagining Justice

‘Law for the Lay, a new game to play’ with Clarissa Campbell



In episode no. 70 my guest is lawyer, creator and producer of social project ‘Law for the Lay’, Clarissa Campbell. We discuss: The project she began in 2019 to share the law with everyday people; What happened that prompted her to actually start the project;  How her personal and professional background influences her approach; Her unique style using play and humour to share legal information; How she chooses the topics that she covers; Her legal and branding concerns relating to ‘Law for the Lay’; How she selected which social media platform to use, and the challenge of staying up to date with how algorithms work; What a “Lawfluencer” is; Research she’s done for the project which shocked her; Topics that have received unusual responses and how she handles those challenges; The level of technical support she receives and how she manages her time; Things she’s working to improve about her communication; Other ways in which citizens’ legal awareness could be increased; How acting on our own ‘agency’ and unique