Healing Ties From The Bow Tie Guy

08-HT 2.0: 30in30 Featuring Matt Gurwell from Keeping Us Safe



Welcome to Season 8, Episode 8 of Healing Ties 2.0, 30 podcast in 30 days featured on the Whole Care Network. Our guests on this episode is Matt Gurwell from Keeping Us Safe. After 24 years as a Ohio State Patrolman, Matt founded Keeping Us Safe, LLC lectures throughout the United States on topics related to the aging process and its adverse affects on driving skills. As founder and CEO of Keeping Us Safe, Matt’s mission is to provide strategies and guidance to seniors that will help them to continue driving safely until the decision is made to retire from their driving career. He also provides an excellent array of services and resources for both families and professionals as they deal with this very sensitive issue. Matt's creative, innovative and common sense approach, combined with his uncanny ability to bring calm and resolve to stressful situations without ever jeopardizing the dignity of others, has contributed greatly to the success of Keeping Us Safe's programs. Listen in and learn how Matt Gur