Healing Ties From The Bow Tie Guy

22-HT 2.0: 30in30 Featuring Toula Wootan from Toula's Tips for Caregivers



Welcome to Season 8, Episode 22 of Healing Ties 2.0, 30 podcasts in 30 days celebrating National Family Caregivers month featured on the Whole Care Network. In this episode it is a pleasure to welcome my very good friend and caregiver advocate extraordinaire, Toula Wootan from Toula's Tips for Caregivers! Caregiving, Covid19, Thanksgiving and the Holiday's approaching...OH MY!!!Toula is an author, radio show host and is a well-known national advocate for caregivers, Toula's soothing style and her special "Timely Tips for Caregivers" is just the prefect recipe caregivers need as move into a very different Holiday Season. Listen in and learn how Toula Wootan is creating Healing Ties all around us!