Creative Strings Podcast With Violinist Christian Howes: Exploring Intersections Between Creativity, Music Education, String

Stash Wyslouch: Audacity and the Creative Process - Creative Strings Podcast Ep. 33



To be human is to make stuff; creativity is natural. Yet it feels incredibly risky to put our creative work out there for people to vote up or down. It feels personal, like people may accept or reject us. We're drawn to the ideas and voices of people who have the courage to take that risk and make something distinctive. Beyond possessing courage, you could say artists who do this consistently are audacious. Stash Wyslouch is a walking billboard of musical audacity; his music combines elements of thrash metal, old time fiddle, jazz, and the avant-garde.  You've got to hear his music to believe it. Delightful. Shocking. Raw. Human.  We put together a collage of his work + interview in the new Creative Strings Podcast. Bookmark it and listen whenever you want to be amazed and delighted.  If you love it, share, subscribe, or leave a review.  Check out the full blog post and video here: