

First this! Rate and review us on iTunes!, Stitcher! or Podbean! Five stars helps a lot! And if you are a fan of history, we just wrapped on season one of check out my history podcast with Alex Cummings, Doomed to Repeat with an episode on Sanctuary Cities; available where ever you get your podcasts! Finally, if you want to see me in person, you should see the comedy group I am in, Cineprov, as the riff over Devil Dog on TODAY as this comes out at the Plaza Theater in Atlanta (I will riff over the shorts at the beginning).  In honor of Harrison Ford punching Ryan Gosling, I mean Blade Runner 2049, we divert from our standard spooky October procedure and watch a breathtaking film; Maelstrom...rather Blade Runner! Holy minatures Batman, this movie is excellent.  How will you stand when we put your past on trial? Host: Nic Hoffmann Defendant: Jeremy Panel: Matthew and Daniel