Gcf Austin

First Things First



Life Group Questions 1. What was the main thing you got out of Sunday's message? 2. In Sunday’s message, Pastor Ryan taught us that there are over 2,000 verses in the Bible dealing with money – more than four times that of verses on either prayer or faith. Why do you think that is? 3. The three principles (Principle of the Firstborn, Principle of the Firstfruits, and Principle of the Tithe) are all speaking to the fact that God should have first place in every area of your life. Share with everyone when that happened for you in the area of your finances. 4. What has been the biggest struggle for you in being faithful and consistent in giving the tithe to your church? 5. Keeping in mind that the three underlying issues for people not tithing are Education (not knowing what the Bible says), Faith (not trusting God to provide for you), and Disobedience (not caring what God commands you to do), which of these is (or was) the real issue for you? How can you (did you) get victory over it?