Pratt On Texas

Episode 2845: Omicron concerns? A symptom & treatment update with Dr. John Thomas.



Too many people are in panic over fear they have WuFlu. Last week’s Texas data showed 64% of those who went and got tested, tested negative - only 34% were positive. Dr. John Thomas explains what symptoms to look for to determine if you need treatment for COVID - not to go get a test but to get treatment. This short interview will appear in Pratt on Texas today but it is so important for so many that I’ve decided to post it early as a separate podcast so that you can easily share it.We’re out of, and running out of tests, because media and government have propagandized people into such a fearful state that some are taking COVID tests every time they have the sniffles. Stop. Listen to Dr. Thomas and go by symptoms and then get real treatment for those symptoms. Recorded on Monday, 10 January