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GOD-BREATHED - pt1 - The Most Useful Tool



In “The Most Useful Tool”, Rodney shares that we all have areas of our lives that we need God to breath into. God has revealed himself in the scriptures. The apostle Paul says, “All scripture is inspired - “God-breathed” - by God. The Bible is the revealed will, and revelation of God. It is authoritative, true, and trustworthy. The scriptures in fact are the most useful tool you will ever need or use to navigate through life. It teaches us proper doctrine, reproves, corrects, and instructs how to live right. More than just information, the scripture is useful for practical for daily living. The believer will always be equipped for life in any and every situation, for every good work. If you apply God’s word to every area of your life you will see God’s reward in every area of your life. Your regular interaction with the scriptures allows you to hear God’s voice, know his will and instructions for your life.