Vintage Grace's Podcast

TextLab | John 2:12-25



David and Michael walk through John 2:12-25 to help you lead meaningful discussions about the text.Questions from the Conversation:Why was Jesus mad about the individuals selling goods and exchanging money in the Temple?How does John connect Jesus’s actions to Old Testament Prophecy? Why is that an important aspect of Jesus’s character?How does Jesus’s cleansing of the temple foreshadow the way he will cleanse us?What’s the significance of Jesus’s comment about tearing down the temple and raising it back up?Big Idea:Jesus purifies our access to God. → both the things we put between us and God AND the things innately within us between us and God.Application:What is something in your life that has been getting in the way of time with Jesus? How can we help keep each other accountable as a group to seek the unhindered presence of God in our lives?