Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#193: The ultimate productivity hack (and it’s very fun!)



First off I hope you had a lovely holiday season and were able to get whatever it is that you look for from that time of the year.  I wanted to start off the new year by tackling the concept of productivity. NOT because I think we need to focus on being ultra productive, but because focusing on the right kind of productivity can actually liberate us, fulfill us AND create more ease in accomplishing our big goals. How do we do this you ask?  By refraining how we view productivity, tuning into our own intuition more and giving ourselves permission to do more of what feels good and ditching the rest.  We need to detach from this idea that productivity is directly connected to economic output. We aren’t machines, so we can’t evaluate the value of something solely based on what $ number it produces over everything else in our lives.  We are all also very unique. Meaning that what ignites a flame in me, might put out your flame. We need to tap into what excites us, what makes us feel good, what things we feel energ