Poc Podcast

Take your daughter to work day



b style="color: #32ccfe; font-size: 18px;"Updates/b br / Wounded Rep. Scalise readmitted to intensive care AP Election Integrity Commission - State Responses ACLU b style="color: #32ccfe; font-size: 18px;"Weekâ??s Highlights/Lowlights:/b br / U.S. Confirms North Korea Fired Intercontinental Ballistic Missile NYT Cheetolini in Poland First lady swerved to not shake cheetoâ??s hand Video Another Miller Speech Presser Could be Russia, could be others Fake news Obama did nothing about what didnâ??t happen ... Baby coral hands at the G20 Russia Bilateral meeting Submissive to Putin in public handshake "These are the ones who insulted you?" Putin to Trump as he points to reporters video Six peeps: Lavrov, Tillerson, translators, Puti Put and Trump in the room 2 hours and 15 minutes Tillerson - Trump brought up harshly election meddling Lavrov - Trump accepted President Putinâ??s denial Cyber Security joint task force! U.S., Russia, & Jordan agree to ceasefire in southwest S