Poc Podcast

Broken Telephone



Thanks for listening to the POC podcast. Show notes for Episode 21 below! Week''s Highlights/Lowlights: Secret Service vacates Trump Tower command post in lease dispute with president's company WAPO Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions NYT Senate confirms Christopher A. Wray as next FBI director State Department considers scrubbing democracy promotion from its mission WAPO Trump Calls Trump's call history called into question CNN Full transcripts of Trumps calls with Mexico and Australia Trump Supports Plan to Cut Legal Immigration by Half NYT Take the test Trump Russia Trump dictated sonâ??s misleadstatement on meeting with Russian lawyer WAPO One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail CNN Tillerson spurns $80 million to counter ISIS, Russian propaganda POLITICO Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale NPR You can also email us: info[at]ProgressiveChat.com You can lea