Poc Podcast

Indictment Bingo #mullertime



Updates PR Whitefish Dead Tolls not matching up Weekâ??s Highlights/Lowlights: Flakeâ??s Scathing 17 minute speech Full video Favorite Quotes Republicans try to cockblock the truth about #TrumpRussia Investigation of the handling of the FBI investigation of the Hillary Clinton emails Dragging back the fake news of Hillary and Uranium one Fact Checked as false by FactCheck.org Snopes PolitiFact USA Today In under 2 minutes by the bad ass JoyAnn Reid Trump Russia Steal Dossier Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier WAPO Free Beacon Press confirms they originally paid for the dossier Trump campaign analytics company contacted WikiLeaks about Clinton emails CNN Talking Points Brought to Trump Tower Meeting Were Shared With Kremlin NYT Former Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort Faces Another Money-Laundering Probe WSJ First charges filed in Mueller investigation CNN POCPodcast.com info@POCPodcast.com Twitter.com/POCPodcast Fa