Ace Weekly

Is this the life YOU chose? with Ravi Abuvala - ACEWEEKLY083



Do you feel pressure when it comes to choosing your career path? Much of the pressure we get when making a change in our career comes from the people closest to us. Maybe your parents always wanted you to be a doctor or lawyer. Maybe your best friends roast you for putting out content on instagram. Sifting through this societal pressure holds back the potential of many leaders & entrepreneurs.    Ravi Abuvala joins the podcast this week to talk about his journey in entrepreneurship. Ravi is an online entrepreneur who helps other entrepreneurs scale their businesses through lead generation, systems, and virtual assistants.    His parents always wanted him to be a lawyer. He scored in the top 10% on his LSAT and originally planned to go to law school. Despite the pressure from his friends and family to go down what seemed to be his destined path, Ravi decided to dive into the entrepreneurial space by starting his own digital advertising company. He now makes over half a million dollars a month, and helps bu