Bible Learners Corner

A Spiritual Midnight Hour : This World Is Living In The Last Day | “1 Minute To Midnight”



Introducing a TOPICAL discussion: "Mystery of the YEAR 2021" These are the Last Days this world is living in. One of the world leaders, the UK Prime Minister -  Boris Johnson recently uttered some key words …  “1 Minute To Midnight” and no one has asked him what he meant by mentioning “MIDNIGHT.” All world leaders are blinded and need to have their eyes opened to see the true light. They should know God’s word of truth to become set free from bondage or captivity. They therefore, must accept, trust and believe in God’s word and not the word of Satan - the ruler of this world of darkness. As they believe in God’s word and have their minds enlightened, they’ll no longer walk in darkness but in the light; and they can lead their people in truth instead of misleading them according to this world of darkness. People therefore, need to understand that we are living in the darkest spiritual hour of the night (Spiritual MIDNIGHT Hour). Satan is the ruler and prince of this world and has been allowed to come