Comics Dash

#129: It's About Alfred the Vomitting Mother



On this week's tightly-packed show of content, Alex, Chad, and Jean-luc talk about the Video Game Awards, Smash Bros Ultimate, Darksiders 3 (sorry), Magic The Gathering, and Riverdale. And that's just the first twenty minutes. After that it's a slew of comics from the new Mark Millar Prodigy to ... you know what, easier if I just list them. Batman, Crowded, Unnatural, Snotgirl, The Freeze, Green Lanten, Martian Manhunter (complete with rad alien sex), Lodger, Border Town, some Star Wars crap, Winter Soldier, Shazam, Blackbird, Die, and Self Made. Gosh that is a lot of comic books. Follow us @ComicsPodcast and view our stuff at