Pratt On Texas

Episode 2824: SCOTUS leaves Fetal Heartbeat Bill in effect | CDC data show vaccine effectiveness low with Omicron – Pratt on Texas 12/10/2021



 The news of Texas covered today includes:Our Lone Star story of the day: Texas’ Fetal Heartbeat bill remain in effect after U.S. Supreme Court refuses to stop it. Abortionists are “apoplectic” but the court did allow for some challenges to the law to continue in federal and state court. Meanwhile a state district judge has left the law in effect but ruled against the citizen lawsuit enforcement mechanism which means that issue will climb the ladder to the state supreme court.Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.So much for the so-called “vaccine” that is supposedly “effective” as all the propaganda insists. CDC data says about 75% of those with the new Omicron mutation are fully vaccinated. Much in the border news stack including more evidence of a sickening sense of entitlement by those entering the U.S. illegally. A good statement from Texas Speaker of the House Phelan on backin