Pratt On Texas

Episode 2828: Abbott can begin fix of court ruling on Texas election fraud prosecution but will he? | Newspaper wants Texas guns locked up – Pratt on Texas 12/16/2021



The news of Texas covered today includes:Our Lone Star story of the day: The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, our supreme court for criminal law matters, rules that the Texas Attorney General may not prosecute election fraud cases without a referral from local prosecutors. While the decision is sound constitutionally, it guts prosecuting election fraud in much of Texas because local Leftist district attorneys will not look at cases and certainly will not refer them to the A.G. for prosecution. The issue is easily fixed by Abbott calling a Special Session of the legislature to pass a constitutional amendment that will then need a vote of the people. Will Abbott lead and take care of this or will he let it slide by effectively ending most prosecution of election fraud in the 2022 November election?Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.The Dallas Morning News editorial board comes out