Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#191: You are not your mistakes



Want to know one of the main reasons we don’t accomplish the things we desire?  It isn’t because we don’t work hard enough, or have what it takes….. It’s because we feel that we are our mistakes, our shortcomings, what we lack, and because of that have a hard time tapping into our inherent goodness.  Believe it or not, we are SO MUCH MORE than what we feel holds us back. It doesn't matter how much ‘proof’(aka the bad stuff you constantly run through your head) you have, you are inherently good, capable, deserving and have what it takes to get to where you desire.  As we move into the end of this year and the beginning of a new one, one thing that can help us get to where we want to be is to believe in the goodness that we are, and give less airtime to the bad.  Look, we have all made mistakes. Remember that time I spent over 20k on something that was essentially useless even though I truly thought it was going to take me to the next level. It didn’t, but it did teach me some really important lessons.  The big