Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Dont be paralysed by procrastination with Mojo Obadina



With all the technological and societal changes that have been taking place in recent years, it’s become more important than ever to develop healthy work habits. In this conversation with two-time author Mojo Obadina, she shares her strategies for working efficiently in the new normal.Let's start with procrastination and our childhoods. The way we're raised as children plays a part in how we make decisions going forward. When raised in a supportive environment, children tend to develop confidence. But if raised in a critical environment, they tend to become fearful about making decisions, and end up being afraid of taking action. This has major implications in the workplace. And if you’re a business owner or managing a team, you can't now simply foster healthy work habits by constantly reprimanding these employees who end up procrastinating due to confidence issues which they've developed.Three key concepts to think about are self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy. If you want you